Welcome to Lindsborg

Sundays 9 AM & 10:45 AM
101 1/2 N Harrison St, Lindsborg, KS

 Easter Services:
Sunday, April 20 | 9, 10:45 AM

Meet Your
Lindsborg Pastor

When you walk into our services, we want you to feel at home. We are truly a family of brothers and sisters in Christ providing the opportunity to Love God, Grow Up, Serve All, and Live Sent. We want to strive together to be surrendered worshipers that truly seek to worship our heavenly Father through our weekend services. You will enjoy our uplifting worship as we exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We also encourage you to a deeper relationship with God and others in our church as maturing followers in Grow Groups. Our desire is for you to meet Jesus and experience the life changing impact only He can provide. We are excited to meet you and hope you will join us this Sunday to worship the Savior and in turn, go out into our community and make an impact for His Kingdom.

Pastor Joel

Joel Beckner
Joel Beckner Lindsborg Pastor

Directions and

Lindsborg Location
Upcoming Events

Preview Class

Mar 30
10:30 AM
Want to learn more about who we are as a church and how you can get connected? Come join us for our Preview Class!

Lindsborg Location Staff

Joel Beckner Joel Beckner Lindsborg Pastor
Seth Nelson Seth Nelson Student Minister
Hunter Koonce Hunter Koonce Worship Minister
Stephanie Nelson Stephanie Nelson CrossPoint Students Leader
Kelsey Beckner Kelsey Beckner Kids Director