Welcome to Hutchinson

Saturdays 5 PM & Sundays 9 AM & 11 AM
1410 E 30th Ave, Hutchinson, KS

 Christmas Eve Services
December 23rd | 4PM, 6PM
December 24th | 2PM, 4PM, 6PM

Meet Your
Hutchinson Pastor

I am so excited what God is doing here at CrossPoint Hutch and that God is leading you to attend. Our CrossPoint Kids ministry (0-5th grade) is available at all 3 of our weekend services with CrossPoint Students available on Wednesday nights (Middle School 6:30 & High School 7:30). When you come on the weekend, make sure to fill out a connection card and take with you to the welcome center. We'd love to give you a gift and helpful information about CrossPoint. Can't wait to see you this weekend!

Pastor Porfirio

Porfirio Ramirez
Porfirio Ramirez Hutchinson Pastor

Directions and

Hutchinson Location
Upcoming Events

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Hutchinson Location Staff

Porfirio Ramirez Porfirio Ramirez Interim Location Pastor
Ben Ludwig Ben Ludwig Groups Community Pastor
Dylan Christner Dylan Christner Administration Pastor
Joel Reiss Joel Reiss Family Ministries Pastor
Paul Alicea Paul Alicea Production Director
Mandy Ludwig Mandy Ludwig Groups Administrator
Val Dryden Val Dryden Office Administrator
Noah Addis Noah Addis Facilities Coordinator
Eric Pham Eric Pham Production Assistant
Alecia Clay Alecia Clay Kids Director
Sarah Reiss Sarah Reiss Connections Minister
Jake Huhs Jake Huhs Intern
Rachael Pankratz Rachael Pankratz Worship Minister